The story of natives.

Centuries ago, a foreign group invaded the land presently recognized as the United States. The invasion resulted in the loss of land, rights, and culture for the native inhabitants. However, even though the invaders forced them to adapt to new customs and regulations, the native inhabitants persevered in preserving their heritage. They held onto the hope of one day regaining some of their lost rights to their land and culture.

We picked this book for its title. Invaders often glorify their acts of war, but invasions are always destructive for everyone involved. This was certainly the case when Europeans landed on a large piece of land that they later called the United States. The invasion caused mass destruction of local heritage and brought eternal agony to the native people. This book delves into the attack's origins and explores how it stripped the natives of their rights to live in their own land. However, young children may find the book’s style and complex words less engaging. The illustrations are basic.

The book We Are Still Here! written by Traci Sorell and illustrated by Frané Lessac, tells the story of Native Americans and their ongoing struggle for hope. The book emphasizes their resilience and perseverance, highlighting their determination to endure and thrive.

Originally published: 2021
Author: Traci Sorell
Illustrations: Frané Lessac
Rating basis (of 5.0): Story (4.5), Characters (4.5), Writing Style (3.5), Illustrations (3.5), Cover (3.5) & Ease (3.5)
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