Friends unite for friends!

Tracy Tractor worked on Farmer Bean’s farm. He not only looked beautiful but worked hard, very hard, for his friend, Farmer Bean. Then, one day, Farmer Bean falls sick, leaving all the crops to die. But Tracy Tractor wanted to help his friend, so he hatched a plan. He asked his machine cousins to help him in the harvest. So, what happened to the farm produce? Was Tracy able to help his Farmer friend?

We picked this book for its title. The book is a great way to learn about farms along with some heavy-duty machines. It also teaches young kids about looking out for their loved ones and teamwork. The illustrations are beautifully done, capturing the essence of the story. The book may require adult help to read and comprehend the complex machine names.

Tracy Tractor And The Little People by Collins T. Robertson is a vibrantly illustrated book that captures a farm’s essential elements through a lovely friendship story.

Originally published: 2022
Author: Collins T. Robertson
Illustrator: Katie Roen
Rating basis (of 5.0): Story (4.5), Characters (4.5) Writing Style (4.0), Illustrations (5.0) & Ease (4.0)
Disclaimer: The copyrights of all the images used here belong to the book publishers, authors, and illustrators. The publisher/author requested this review. The opinions expressed here are our personal views. Please contact us if you are the author or illustrator of this book and want this review removed from our site.