Loyal friends are forever.

A space patrol team of fish and whales manned the earth’s orbit. Their job is to protect planet earth from the well-armed rogue sharks. The fishes and whales were not just the space patrol team members but also best friends. As it was uneventful for a while, the space patrol decided to take their long-awaited break. But, they get a distress signal from a far end. The team attended the call, and they realized it was a trap when they reached there. What happened to the team? Did they defeat the enemy? Did they save the earth?

We picked this book for its warm illustrations that have a glow-in-the-dark feel. The story is set in the future and has all the essential elements of a children’s book. It talks about friendship and how they stood all along for each other during difficult times. The pictures go well with the story.

A lovely bedtime reading of a fantasy adventure.
Originally published: 2022
Author: Lucas Salmon
Illustrator: Lucas Salmon
Disclaimer: The copyrights of all the images used here belong to the book publishers, authors, and illustrators. This review was requested by the publisher/author. The opinions expressed here are our personal views. Please contact us if you are the author or illustrator of this book and want this review removed from our site.